
APARTMENT Building Proposed For Barras Arts Hub Site

14 June, 2024 | News

A DEVELOPER wants to demolish a rundown Calton property used as community arts venue and build flats.

Spectrum Properties are proposing around 50 apartments for the site at the Barras market, on land bounded by London Road, Bain Street and Stevenson Street.

The flats would be a mixture of one, two-, three and four-bedroom units.

A five-storey property that currently occupies some of the plot is home to The Space, with studios and performance areas for creatives and space for community events.

Spectrum, which owns the site, has started consultation over their proposal, ahead of submitting a planning application.

A report prepared for Spectrum states that the building is in very poor condition with significant issues including extensive water ingress and structural deterioration and corrosion.

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