
PLANNERS Asked To Approve Scaled-Down Yorkhill Apartment Block

31 August, 2020 | Residential

ANOTHER attempt is being made to develop flats on a former school playground in Yorkhill.

Tucson Properties have applied to build 24 apartments at the corner of Gilbert Street and Teviot Street which was part of the old Kelvinhaugh Primary School.

The building would contain 22 two-bedroom properties and two with one bedroom over five floors. There would be 19 car parking spaces in a lower ground floor area.

Outdoor amenity space would be provided at roof level.

A previous application for 30 flats at the site was refused.

A design document submitted with the application states: “In order to address one of the primary reasons for refusal of the previous application, the scheme has reduced from 30 units to 24, resulting in a more appropriate density of 266 DPH (dwellings per hectare).

“The existing site does not offer a continuous street line to Gilbert Street and as such renders the former Kelvinhaugh Primary isolated. The proposal takes the opportunity to define this street edge creating a strong active frontage.”

“Privacy and overlooking issues are avoided by having the building frontages address the street and rear courtyard, rather than overlook the school playground.

“The building provides a high quality, contemporary, sustainable development.”

The application is pending assessment by Glasgow City planners.

A proposal for 20 apartments on the opposite street corner was submitted a few weeks ago.

Planning permission was previously given for student accommodation on the site.

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