
SIXTY Social Rent Flats Approved For Castlemilk Site

25 February, 2020 | News, Residential

PLANS for 60 flats in Castlemilk have been approved by Glasgow City Council planners.

Cruden Estates applied on behalf of Cassiltoun Housing Association for the three-storey development on cleared ground at Castlemilk Drive at Machrie Road.

Forty-eight two-bedroom flats are proposed, six of them suitable for people in wheelchairs. There will be 12 one-bedroom flats.

Officials granted permission for the flats. Their report states: “The layout re-establishes a tenemental scale frontage to Castlemilk Drive within four blocks.”

Documents lodged with the application stated: “The proposal is for residential development on a brownfield site that will provide much-needed housing for social rent to meet the need of the local community.

“The brief has been developed by Cassiltoun Housing Association in accordance with their identified housing needs to ensure a viable and desirable development in Castlemilk.”

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